All I see on jquery-gridly is the drag&drop feature but nothing on re-seizing? How does the re-sizing work and where I can find the implementation?
I am trying to use stream client but it is not available on the ApiAiClient. This is what I am doing private apiAiStreamClient: IStreamClient; readonly client = new ApiAiClient({accessToken: 'xxxx',streamClientClass:...
On `HeadphoneDetection.isAudioDeviceConnected().then(console.log);` I get bluetooth `true` but no events are detected when I press on any button on the headphone. The event listener `HeadphoneDetection.addListener(console.log);` is never called I am testing...
I tested the connection to Facebook and Goodle from Auth0 website and it works fine. In my electron app the usual login with email and password works fine but the...