Jens L.

Results 53 issues of Jens L.

Merging all issues about broken vSAN and VUM into this one. This issue is blocking since all Add-ons (vSAN, VUM, vRealize, etc) are loaded as iFrame. I have not yet...

Add SCIM source which provides endpoints for other applications to create/read/update/delete users and groups in authentik

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer

A simple radius outpost that only supports username/password authentication (using the same flow executor as the ldap outpost), no support for CHAP as that would require reversible password storage, no...

Either DNS based (probably in Go) or via HTTP Challenge (http challenge is sent to and served by outpost)


Update dockerfile for hacheck to bionic (could maybe go to jammy even?) and parameterise hacheck version

While testing some stuff for COMPINFRA-989 we set the min_ready_seconds to 600 to test. Turns out that breaks paasta because we don't set progress_deadline_seconds (which needs to be more than...

## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm looking into using infrahq to replace Rancher for Cluster SSO, however one thing I quite like about how...
