Konrad Feiler
Konrad Feiler
There is no way for an iOS app to show content on top of the software keyyboard that I know off. So I don't think this is possible. All the...
@jfederer Same here, I'm trying [this tutorial]( https://dev.to/sw360cab/creating-custom-aws-lambda-layers-from-scratch-obtaining-imagemagick-with-freetype-support-4fn7 ) now
Turns out the SSL cert for https://docs.commento.io/configuration/frontend/sso.html expired yesterday. Murphys-Law in play again, just when I need it, it's https cert expired :D
I think in this [line in effect_renderer_calculator.cc](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/4a20e9909d55838d5630366ce719844cf06ae85c/mediapipe/modules/face_geometry/libs/geometry_pipeline.cc#L337) something similar is done, i'm just trying to wrap my head around the C++ code and how I could convert the same coordinate...
> The engineer behind our blendshape demo suggest using the height and width of the media input to multiply the normalized keypoints as the 3D landmarks and the transformation matrix...
@yeemachine @kuaashish any updates on this? It would be really amazing if we could use the face-mesh in 3D contexts, that would allow so many AR features, like drawing makeup...
Could this be a duplicate of the issue https://github.com/google/mediapipe/issues/4759 I raised a little earlier? My ticket is about the `facialTransformationMatrixes` for the landmarks being off when the face is not...
This problem is also replicateble using the default demo from [the mediapipe homepage](https://mediapipe-studio.webapps.google.com/demo/face_landmarker). Basic 2d-Mesh of face: (My head is in the first 25% of the webcam image, the screen...
To clarify: I'm really impressed with the performance of mediapipe, infering those 478 landmarks in 60fps in the browser with no problem. Many models and setups I tried before, were...
> Here's a visual to help you understand: > Yes, that is a good illustration. But I would like to point out that the issue also happens with the mediapipe...