Konrad Feiler
Konrad Feiler
@pateldhruvil96 thank you for the link, I tried your fork with Xcode 13 and got:
@elalish thank you for your answer! The linked object above is actually made of several meshes, it has a detailed node structure so we can open and close the temples/earpieces...
> Maybe three.js could sort meshes by the bounding box/sphere center instead of the the origin of the 3d model, but I worry there may be cases the opposite of...
> It's because of [mrdoob/three.js#18235](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/pull/18235) and you can see the same artifacts in babylon.js' viewer. Mhmm, I rechecked in babylon this morning and I can't see to get the same...
@mrdoob sorry for so much confusion here, with regards to your video, I believe that is indeed not the effect I described earlier in this thread. The video you posted...
I actually tried both https://www.npmjs.com/package/dxf-parser and https://www.npmjs.com/package/dxf but in both cases the result was only nearly perfect. For example with the `dxf` library for converting dxf to svg, the resulting...
@z3dev thats the package I had linked above, and it does not convert bezier paths properly, which was the reason I couldn't use it. @danmarshall When importing via `importer.fromSVGPathData` I...
Thank you so much for your help @danmarshall , finding the chains correctly identified the pieces of my geometry I am actually interested in. For the "then re-export as svgPathData."...
Ok, understood, yeah, guess I'll work with the piece wise bezier paths now. The final results look great. The messy annotation in between we'll live with. Let me buy you...
Mhmm interesting. We use qcad to first convert the dxf to svg and the result looks exactly like the original dxf, so we're happy with that. (The js dxf tool...