I have the same pronlem
Photo import at noe working for my part. Files does still not work.
You have a new log file.
I was using the latest nightly. Or, I think i was. I dowloaded i and extrackted but, im a noob on ubuntu. Edit: Nope. I failed. Extrackted to the wrong...
New logfile uploaded.
I installed the nightly, set log level, stopped all of the imports that was running, started a new import of all possible imports, and watched until new lines stopped coming...
Are you behind a proxy?
@eneiluj I am pulling my error. When I stopped the import for 2 days, and restarted it after those two days, it worked. Looks like i had to many requests...
I second this. When i push for the calendar, the keyboard poops up. When i minimize the keyboard, the calendar disappear. I want to use it but can't. Tip. Move...
I came here to wright this. I strongly support this request.