Ok! After some experimenting with this and that i found out : 1. I have to set up the "interrupt service routine" correctly. Means line 257 change this "ISR(PCINT2_vect" to...
In normal use i can see PM values on the LCD screen and online via web. So the wiring and Sensor seem to work fine! I have to double check...
......also you have 10kb more space on the at328! As long as the dfplayer does all the work with playing the mp3.... would'nt it be nice to play a little...
**Jup! I think i can help!! The most Web Radios are hidden or linked! To find the right Stream i found out this way! let me know if it workes...
Usually on most play sites there is a commercial shown. So i think its a matter of money. But there is always a way around every obstacle! 😉
After the first mp3 file has played the soundpod stops and i have to select the next song to play! Is it possible to play song after song automaticaly ?...
Hallo! Sorry für die späte Rückmeldung! Ich versuchs mal auf Deutsch auch wenn das etwas gegen die Regeln ist! Ich habe an meinem mp3 modul den 3.5mm Ausgang auf der...
Got the Audio Transformers in the quick soldering a little board aaaaand! The result is much better than before! Have to reasemble my toaster radio and close holes! Will...
Just go for searching ' lotfi spectrum analyzer ' or ' lotfi esp32 radio equalizer ' ....just a few lines of code to add on the original sketch! Greetings Andi