> This is not a bug but "normal": > > * The goal of status leds is for some devices to show the printer status with colors. Usually on a...
All the case light effect are based on this, like QGL, heating, pause, printing etc...
Maybe must add variable_status_leds_enabled: True In the case lights hardware config files?
so maybe add a new user_variable like `variable_neopixel_leds_enabled = True` in all lights using neopixel leds: `neopixel_caselight.cfg` `neopixel_caselight_effects.cfg` `status_leds.cfg` `status_leds_effects.cfg` `status_leds_rainbow_barf.cfg` `status_leds_rainbow_barf_effects.cfg` and use `neopixel_leds_enabled` instead of `status_leds_enabled` in all...
This PR is only for the issue happening when only one of the neopixel caselight is include in printer.cfg without any status_led
But if you only want white color for caselight neopixel you can include neopixel_caselight.cfg in your printer.cfg and override _LEDS_COLORS_DEFINITION macro
need some tester before update HH...
For me it seems to be ok... The new HH version has been released today...
with this version use with HHv2.5+ no need to have to add entries in printer.cfg but if they exist they can override HH variables.