Benjamin Galliot
Benjamin Galliot
MWE: ```julia using Genie using Genie.Renderer.Json using Genie.Requests using Genie.Router using HTTP using JSON3 route("/api/réception", method = POST) do message = jsonpayload() (:echo => (message["message"] * " ") ^ message["repeat"])...
(Sorry to use English) I would like to know if it was possible to combine in a single LuaTeX document several CJK languages (alongside non CJK languages), while keeping the...
Hello, I would like to know if a `get(node, name, default)` function could be nice (as well as `get!`), as it exists already for many objects, like `Dict`. Currently, it...
For bépo users, it should be nice to have in Preferences the bépo layout to make our life easier! I give you the official layout image of ![Capture d’écran...
(Sorry to use English.) I'm trying to use a virtual font combining several Unicode blocks, to have access to rarer characters very easily (without having to manually change the font)....
Here is the MWE: ```latex \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tabularray} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \begin{longtblr}{ colspec = {X[c,m]X[c,m]X[c,m]}, cell{2-3}{2-3} = {m,blue!50!white} % change here (m to b/t) } \hline head 1 & head 2 &...
Hello, It seems that the latest version of biber has problems with some Unicode characters in the path (`outdir` of latexmk). Strangely, not all Unicode characters have this problem, and...
Hello, It seems this configuration (MWE) : ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[main=french]{babel} \frenchsetup{og=«, fg=»} % Remove these options then no problem! \usepackage[autostyle]{csquotes} \begin{document} This « kind » of space. % Good This...
Hello, (Related to but I can’t reopen this issue, so I moved messages here.) I've noticed another problem , involving Tibetan word breaks especially when there is another language...
(Sorry for using English!) Hello, I'm currently working on an automatically generated document using LuaLaTeX. I've encountered an issue where there isn't an automatic space between CJK and Latin script...