Ben Hur Martins Carvalho

Results 5 comments of Ben Hur Martins Carvalho

Same issue here, the workaround should be seem as temporary, when you have more than 1 developer working in the project.

Hi, I only saw all the messages now, like 2 months later, well I didn't try on physical device, so I can't tell.

awesome, good to know @luis-cicada , thanks. Just to be sure, did you tried the boilerplate I shared or another solution proposed here? and, iOS or android?

> ### manually link: > * android/settings.gradle > > ``` > include ':react-native-community-geolocation' > project(':react-native-community-geolocation').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@react-native-community/geolocation/android') > ``` > > * android/app/build.gradle > > ``` > dependencies...

I created a PR to update the steps for Android running on 0.65 and bellow: