Ben Connault
Ben Connault
(In my understanding) the package currently assumes the `n` sample points constituting the data are given as an `(d,n)` array, where each sample point is a `d`-dimensional vector of some...
Maybe caps for the circle, the square and the diamond make sense (O, S, D)? Not sure about the triangles. Alternatively, maybe "fo", "fx", etc. for "filled circle", "filled cross",...
I don't mind too much personally but this might not be the expected behavior. 
Would it be hard to include an option to share axes as in, eg, [matplotlib]( By the way, I like Winston a lot. Very cool that `plot(rand(10))` just works but...
In many models the parameters can be estimated by different methods. For instance a simple Beta(a,b) can be estimated by a method of moment or mle cf [wikipedia]( It would...
Following-up on @nalimilan's suggestion in [METADATA.jl/pull/4491](, I am opening this issue to discuss an interface design I started implementing in [ParametricModels.jl]( A relevant issue is #4 about a general type...