Benjamin Bergman

Results 22 comments of Benjamin Bergman

Yeah, I lost them due to a hard drive failure. Please submit a PR if you are able to get them working!

@agucova is actually referring to the `.md` files, not `config.toml`. By adding `menu: "main"` to the frontmatter, you can get your page automatically added to the menu without having to...

Even bumping from VGA to SVGA causes the crash. I did a quick test printing the length of the framebuffer prior to sending. The test VGA was 16744 and the...

Flicking through more settings I found a workaround. Using the Gcode snapshot method and adding "snap" before each layer change in Cura I'm now getting the timelapse to run more...

Yes, I understand the risk of stabilization movement crashing into prints, but thank you for pointing it out as someone else might see my thread and not realize it. I've...

Awesome. Thanks for the excellent plugin!

Ah, interesting. I'm not even using the FFT, I'm just looking at the waveform. If Web Audio can't be throttled, what effect does swapping out the currentTime property have? Is...

Ah, gotcha. `currentTime` is just for time based sync with tracks, not actual reactivity to sound. I thought maybe it was used internally for playback coordination or something but was...

I just got the same message in the normal UI, so it is not a TouchUI issue afterall. I think the issue was that I clicked the print icon in...

Data binding and ofParamater support for other input types would be a great addition. I see PR #62 has some bind compatibility for toggle and text fields. I would love...