Belle Aerni
Belle Aerni
The cheaper phones aren't always good quality. Some brands use binned CPU's, but I can vouch of OnePlus lol. Xiaomi and Oppo should be good too
@forthesafeofnealandfuller Ouch that's painful, isn't the license for google play like $50?
@HelloOO7 Oh that's not as bad, I bought mine a long while ago so I couldn't really remember.. I really should use that...
Age doth not bring respect In all seriousness though you could have definitely just said it doesn't work at all and all would have been done!
Just a comment about this, but jsmpg-vnc isn't very secure for that. I'm assuming you'll be opening a port to outside connections which will let anyone who has the IP...
Hey @eipeipkrop7992 any progress at implementing audio?
Did you try appending `?mouselock` to the URL?
I believe you can use versions pre V2, but the original I think was a little below V1
Are you trying to have them access their account all at the same time? Also, there's not SSl encryption so it's not the most secure..