Shihua Zeng

Results 27 comments of Shihua Zeng

> Thank you for liking my plugin! > > I've been thinking about adding support for multiple text placeholder but as of now I haven't found a nice way to...

> Thanks for your report! I think this is a README bug - `requires` does not currently affect load order, just ensures that dependencies get installed. `transitive_opt` applies if you...

Arch Linux 也遇到了这个问题,内核 5.18.14-arch1-1, deepin-wine6-stable 版本

> 我这里的现象是 使用一段时间后出现上百个 `WeChatBrowser.exe` 导致微信卡住,`killall` 全杀掉能临时解决问题(不知道是不是一个问题) 是这个问题,现在也没有彻底解决,微信基本处于不可用状态。 此外,中文输入法(fcitx5)现在经常打字到一半就消失了,要重新点击对话框才能打字。

> 参考解决: 已经参照解决,现在正常浏览微信无问题,感谢

@zeertzjq Thanks for your response. I don't know how to reliably reproduce it on other machines but here's the screen recording on my end: --- I also noticed that...

@przepompownia The problem persists but I cannot seem to reliably reproduce it, sometimes nvim detects the correct background but sometimes not. In addition, my tmux config is lengthy so I...

Seems that the bug was once solved in #299 but it appears again lately.

Still have those flashes on latest nightly when cmdheight=0 and auto-complete for cmdline is on.