Groot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Groot copied to clipboard

Binaries for Groot 1.0

Open DJuego opened this issue 5 years ago • 6 comments

Thank you for your efforts and generosity, @facontidavide, and congrats!!!

Are you going to release binaries on the main OS (Linux distributions, MacOsX, Windows* ...) for Groot?

Compiling from the source code seems... cumbersome, at least (dependencies and so). :-}


(*) Yes. I'm guilty. I usually work in Windows 10 x64. :-)

DJuego avatar Mar 04 '19 17:03 DJuego

I am creating in this very moment the one for Linux (appImage). i will also prepare an installer for Windows.

About MacOS... any volunteer?

facontidavide avatar Mar 04 '19 18:03 facontidavide

Any good news about that installer for Windows? :-)


P.S: Although I have to admit that I prefer a portable version (without installation) :-P

DJuego avatar Jun 22 '19 21:06 DJuego

I know that this is old but I recently found behaviortree.cpp and it works like a charm, but I just cannot get groot to work for windows. An installer would be fantastic.

armonjam avatar Apr 01 '20 23:04 armonjam

Hi, I am also waiting for the installer. If it is not coming then please let us know.

Shibulski avatar Sep 08 '20 14:09 Shibulski

it is not coming. Too busy with other problems right now

facontidavide avatar Sep 08 '20 15:09 facontidavide


I managed to use Groot on Windows by using Docker (until there is a windows installer). In this Repo you can find the dockerfile to build the image.

FiratSusan avatar Oct 29 '20 18:10 FiratSusan