I would bet that the scale operation it's the one causing troubles... Can you try to do some operation in inkscape, like a simple ungroup, save the file and try...
Get Photograv to produce GCode and just stream it with LaserGRBL.
If Photograv doesn't generate GCode than LaserGRBL will have to do some form of conversion. With the current options available, I believe the closest you'll get should be BW line2line...
As long as you don't resize the image the method @arkypita told acts as a passthrough, it'll just read the pixel data line by line and calculate the moves and...
$20=0 should disable the soft limits
GRBL should control where it's allowed to travel to and not LaserGRBL, that's why there are soft and hard limits at the firmware.
If the program crashes what good will it make to have line numbers on the status bar?
Save with the adv. options and copy/send to your offline controller.