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GDNative C++ example for tutorial

Results 6 gdnative_cpp_example issues
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When I try the plugin compile `scons platform=windows generate_bindings=yes x64=yes` into gdnative_cpp_example of the [GDNative Tutorial]( it gives me this error: `scons: Reading SConscript files ... scons: done reading SConscript...

Currently, the `SConstruct` file isn't specifying any variables to generate the program database (.pdb) file for the native code in the debug configuration on Windows. I think it should default...

Not initialising time_emit under GDExample::_init() prevent signal from firing.

**OS/device including version:** Windows 8.1 64bit, 8GB AMD FX 6350 6 core Recent VS2017 install Dev prompt may be needed to build libgdexample on Win8.1 **Builds successfully from a...

**OS**: Debian Buster **Steps to reproduce** ``` $ cd godot-cpp $ scons platform=linux headers=../godot_headers generate_bindings=yes $ cd .. $ scons platform=linux ``` **Expected results** Builds without errors **Actual results** ```...