Kostadin Bashev

Results 21 issues of Kostadin Bashev

This pull request is part of #2237 closed issue, because of bad performance. Resolve https://github.com/Smile-SA/elasticsuite/issues/866

In most cases we can use both - Catalog Price Rules and Special Price, which we wants to list in Smart Category. I add one additional validation for catalog pricing...

Description: When prices are with more than 6 signs and/or products are out of stock (or depends on language with long label) info box growing and break layout. Actual Results:...

safe to test

**Describe the bug** (*) A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ``` java.lang.Throwable: Slow operations are prohibited on EDT. See SlowOperations.assertSlowOperationsAreAllowed javadoc. at com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger.error(Logger.java:376) at com.intellij.util.SlowOperations.assertSlowOperationsAreAllowed(SlowOperations.java:101) at...


**Describe the bug** (*) A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ``` com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: `ActionUpdateThread.OLD_EDT` is deprecated and going to be removed soon. 'com.magento.idea.magento2plugin.actions.comparator.CompareTemplateAction' must override `getActionUpdateThread` and...


### Description (*) reCaptcha remote files will be loaded only if customer (visitor) focus on the fields for the form for which reCaptcha is enabled. This will reduce loaded files...

Progress: ready for review

### Description (*) If reCaptcha is enabled, this few additional JS files are loaded automatically with the page loading. This reflects to the page speed of the site and of...

Progress: PR created

Getting Sale Price with FinalPrice method instead of SpecialPrice because last one give wrong price, based on field in product and ignoring "From/To Dates". Also Special Prices not affect pricing...

CLA Signed