Bart Siwek
Bart Siwek
Hi, Your comment > ObjC mainly with ARC is the key to the issue here. The Epic's fix only makes sense when ARC is turned off. Otherwise the code is...
I discovered a problem today with my DS218+ - the fields in the server response are lower case and the hook uses case sensitive greps to filter the response. Net...
One more that I can't really show logs for - both the password and the certificate name can contain special character that bash does not like. When they are stored...
Hi @givinar In an ideal setup I never need to get the resource memory pointer for any of the inputs. I have D3D12 Texture Resources for all of them and...
Hi, Sorry for the wait - it took me some time to dust off the code. I have the zip files with traces ready, but each one of them is...
Hi, I uploaded the traces. So what you are saying is that you switch back-ends based on the value of RIF_TRACING_ENABLE? Because in my case I did not change the...
Hi, I will try 1) and 2) and get back to you. Regarding the others: 3) The depth and normal's are normalized since this is how we accumulate them. Depth...
Hi, I just double checked some thing and: Regarding 2) - removing `rifSyncronizeQueue` did not do anything Regarding 1) - depth, row pitch and slice pitch should not be random...
The values certainly make sense since `width * component_count * size_of_component` is `1920 * 4 * 4 == 31392` And `rowSize * height` is `1270 * 31392 == 39867840`. That...
Hi, I ran your sample and I hit an issue befere it did anything that could be related to what is in this bug report. When executing a call to...