
Results 7 issues of Blake

## 💬 Questions and Help How can i get ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission? i want to get wifiname by wifi_info_flutter/network_info_plus plugin,but i can't get fine location permission.

platform: android

## Bug Report **实际现象** 米家蓝牙扫描,周围环境有三个设备ceiling9,两个ceiling10, 用iOS扫描,只能扫描到两个ceiling10(红色badge上显示数字2),扫描不到ceiling9的入口 安卓端是可以扫瞄到ceiling9的入口,也可以快联成功 iOS打开YeelightApp,扫描蓝牙,可以发现上述三个设备 **期望表现** 可以正常扫描,并快联 **环境** - app版本: 4.11.1 iOS 12.1/11.3 **尝试过的解决办法** 1.重新重置设备, 2.重新打开手机蓝牙, 3.重新打开米家

## Bug Report [服务器]:大陆 [语言]:中文 [复现步骤]: 1. 重置设备 2. app中添加设备 - 选择设备 - 设备重置 - 选择wifi - 输入密码 - 去设置wifi - 选择设备ap - 回到米家 - 进度条 [期望结果]: 快连完成,选择房间,进入插件 [实际结果]: 1....

I found in issues 1 that it doesn't support Android.So i modified your lib-index.js ``` ``` but in Android it doesn't work. I Watched the output from the log,then i...

## Steps to Reproduce 1.Use RepaintBoundary widget, with an Image as a child. 2.Use RenderRepaintBoundary to generate screenshots 3.Sometimes the image component is not rendered in the screenshot ```dart Future...

a: images
severe: rendering
has reproducible steps
found in release: 1.22
found in release: 1.26
