Barney Szabolcs
Barney Szabolcs
Hi, as a user of rest-auth, thanks for the contribution! This repo is not maintained anymore, so the development moved to dj-rest-auth. (reference: It may be best, if you...
Hi, as a user of rest-auth, thanks for the contribution! This repo is not maintained anymore, so the development moved to dj-rest-auth. (reference: It may be best, if you...
Hi, as a user of rest-auth, thanks for the contribution! This repo is not maintained anymore, so the development moved to dj-rest-auth. (reference: It may be best, if you...
Hi, as a user of rest-auth, thanks for the contribution! This repo is not maintained anymore, so the development moved to dj-rest-auth. (reference: It may be best, if you...
I had the same problem, and I solved it by fixing the following dependency: ``` django-allauth==0.50.0 ``` This solution works with dj-rest-auth==4.0.1
Does not work with Sanic 23.3.0 either, not even with fixed explicit limits per route.
This fork works for me: Include it in requirement.txt as ``` -e git+ssh://[email protected]/Omegastick/sanic-limiter.git#egg=sanic_limiter ```
> Thank you everyone for your comments. I apologize for the inconvenience. > > This error is not caused by nagisa itself, but by the dependent library dynet, which does...
No, sorry, now I see that the issue is more complex - before saving a PickledObjectField view the admin, we need to run json.loads() on it... duh
Ok, so my solution so far: ``` import ast from django.contrib.admin import widgets from picklefield.fields import dbsafe_encode class PickledObjectFieldAdminTextAreaWidget(widgets.AdminTextareaWidget): def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): value = data.get(name) # we gotta...