
Results 10 issues of Bardiamist

How to remove transition duration in v3? Previously it was: ``` timingConfig={{ duration: 0.00000001, }}; ``` | software | version | ---------------------------- | ------- | react-native | 0.63.4 | react-native-tab-view...

feature request

**Checklist** - [x] This issue is **NOT** related to the charting library itself **Describe the bug** My team tried to deploy app to TestFlight and we got next ``` Dear...

Not building after update from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 ``` ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/bardiamist/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/proj-gcfwctharjklzxamsqckslyxgkbd/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/bardiamist/Documents/proj/proj-mobile/node_modules/react-native-auth0/ios/A0Auth0.m normal arm64 objective-c (in target 'A0Auth0' from project...


Can bahaviour on iOS be same as on Android? Video attached. I want to implement scriollable tabs. And tab bar should have indicator. It strange when indicator jumps to position...


`console.log` capturing starts not immediatelly when no problems with `Reactotron.log` In the next example `console log 1` will not be printed in the Reactotron app when no problems with `reactotron...

I updated `reactotron-react-native` from `5.0.3`to `5.0.4`. It uses `reactotron-core-client` `2.8.11` which has many `TypeScript` errors. Please fix it. You can test by clone and run `npx tsc` Now I...

Looks cool. But can it be scrollable instead of period change?


By some reason "Scrollable PagerView Example" is broken in 6.1.2 `setPage` don't work I wanted to use example for create the issue about: `nativeEvent.position` returns wrong values on iOS only...

Hello, maybe anybody faced with some problem or can suggest something? I use ``` import { Svg, Line, Polyline, Rect, LinearGradient, Stop, Polygon, } from 'react-native-svg'; ``` for render candle...

`configure` method stuck if provide wrong key. Problem on iOS only. Android fallback works as expected. `[email protected]`