
Results 7 issues of BarchSteel

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Hello, I tried to package a script that uses cairosvg into a stand-alone .exe using py2exe. Py2exe looks for the packages and includes them in a frozen state. However, it...

The PGM file format ( allows for multiple frames in one file, called a sequence. The frames are just written, without gaps or padding, sequentially to the file. The number...


Hello, I kindly request a feature to allow the image to be skewed according to the output width and height. Currently if the aspect ratio of the output_width and output_height...


When compiling the current ImageJ 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT, and then opening the Help->"About ImageJ" will show version 1.53c. This had me confused, I'm sure many other users will also be confused by...

Hello, I set up Eclipse, JDK8, cloned imagej/imagej, imported the project -> everything OK. I can also start & debug ImageJ 2.1.1-snapshot from with Eclipse. (go to net.imagej-> and Run...

The PGM file format ( allows for multiple frames in one file, called a sequence. The frames are just written, without gaps or padding, sequentially to the file. The number...