Baranov Nikita
Baranov Nikita
> @BaranovNikita Are your REST controller endpoints packaged within a PortletMVC4Spring based WAR project? If so, is it being deployed to Liferay, Pluto, or some other portal? Yes, ofcourse. I...
> @BaranovNikita When you get an opportunity, please paste an example of a URL that is used to invoke the REST endpoint. Also, could you paste a link to an...
> @BaranovNikita Thank you for providing the SSCCE. After commenting out the `...` part from pom.xml, I was able to get the WAR artifact to build with `mvn clean package`....
> @BaranovNikita Note that the reason why CSRF is enforced is because you specified it in the configuration: > > ``` > @Override > protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception...
Thanks for that! May be you know, how I can do request from client side? I try use ` Liferay.Util.fetch('/o/com.liferay.test.portletmvc4spring.portlet/test/secured', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ test: 'test'}), headers: { 'Content-Type':...
> You might need to use an absolute URL that contains the scheme, server, port etc like "http://localhost:8080/o/com.liferay.test.portletmvc4spring.portlet/test/secured" > > Here is an example that I recently got to work...