
Results 6 issues of 包建强

In Android, jOOR doesn't work when reflect final field by jOOR. Because Field class in Android is different from the same file in JDK, as follows, there is no accessFlags...

P: Medium
T: Defect

您好,我刚刚用当前项目的代码训练的模型,这时候才发现还有升级版本pan_pp_stable,几个问题向您请教: 1)新版本的新特性是什么?多了哪些功能? 2)是否有必要用新版本再训练一个模型出来?

我看过您的convertor代码,已经成功转换为cpu版本,可以运行,大约11s一张图片。 为了进一步提升速度,我尝试转onnx,但是遇到了问题,还请指教,给出正确的转换方法,代码如下(写在TestModel.py的init方法的model.load_state_dict(d)之后): import onnx import onnxruntime export_onnx_file = './net.onnx' torch.onnx.export(model, torch.randn(1,1,224,224,device='cuda'), export_onnx_file, verbose=False, input_names = ["inputs"]+["params_%d"%i for i in range(120)], output_names = ["outputs"], opset_version = 10 do_constant_folding = True, dynamic_axes...

你好,AddressBook程序跑起来,不能使用下列账户密码登录。 --- 初次登录用户名:[email protected] 密码:123

A man wearing a white shirt changes into a green t-shirt. The t-shirt originally had no split at the bottom, but when it was worn on a person's body, it...

下拉菜单选择Flux的时候,加载模型时出错 报错信息: torch.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 54.00 MiB. GPU 0 has a total capacity of 23.64 GiB of which 24.81 MiB is free. Process 202215 has...