James Nisbet

Results 14 comments of James Nisbet

Are other `npm install -g` programs working after install? Might be a $PATH issue? Are you using WSL?

I'm also getting this error when using the snippet provided: ```js import { initializeApp, applicationDefault } from 'firebase-admin/app'; ``` => `Error: Cannot find module 'firebase-admin/app'` Node v14.16.1 Confirming that using...

Confirmed I'm using `[email protected]` I'll see about building a repro when I get some time, but I'm assuming it's related to Vite (using Vite + Sveltekit). Perhaps fixed by this...

I'm using this in **exactly** the same way and it works fine - double check everything is set up correctly? `[...] href="{{ content.leftButtonLink.url }}" target="{{ content.leftButtonLink.target }}">{{ content.buttonText }} [...]`

Also having this problem. Using Linux because I'm using WSL2 on Windows as my dev machine.

The `:has(select:invalid)` is a clever idea, I hadn't thought of that. Can I ask why the above REPL isn't linked somewhere clearly in the documentation? There's almost zero information about...

Maybe just something like this: ```html Validation I intend to rewrite this documentation at some stage, but until then here are two REPLs that may help. [REPL1] [REPL2] ```

The issue @silllli mentions is confusing me at the moment. Svelte's docs say that ``s are meant to be able to pass props

@wfendler your edit is what I ended up doing. It's lame and feels like a hack, but it does work pretty well.

`firestore-stripe-payments` is an [extension for Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/products/extensions/stripe-firestore-stripe-payments), and meant to run in Node.js in a Cloud Function... not in Sveltekit