The lib compiles fine on Arduino CREATE but fails to upload. It is NOT a CREATE problem but appears to be with the samples.
In the desktop IDE I get a couple of "warnings" but in the ONLINE editor CREATE I get a compilation failure with the following output. ``` /home/admin/builder/arduino-builder/latest/Madgwick-1.2.0/src/MadgwickAHRS.cpp: In static member...
Using the example [](url) The time carries over but does not INCREMENT the date and reset the clock to zero. Also seen in the forum [](url)
I get an error with the latest version of the lib and notice the examples are still in "PDE" format not "INO" Thought there was a version 1.64 ? >...
Currently it does no seem compatible with Arduino CREATE. The examples produce an error regardless of using angle brackets or speech quotations "" > /home/builder/opt/arduino-builder/arduino-builder -compile -core-api-version 10611 -hardware /home/builder/opt/arduino-builder/hardware...