Maksim Sokolnikov
Maksim Sokolnikov
It works fine on Ununtu 20/go 1.16/PostgreSQL 11.7/testcontainers-go v0.11.0 what's in docker logs? try run the test without `BindMounts` option
@smanierre could you show a full code?
I've changed the code Run ` DB_NAME="test" go test -v .go ` Here docker inspect ``` "Env": [ "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password", "POSTGRES_USER=postgres", "POSTGRES_DB=test", "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin", "GOSU_VERSION=1.12", "LANG=en_US.utf8", "PG_MAJOR=11", "PG_VERSION=11.7-2.pgdg90+1", "PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data" ], ```
hello @emetsger ! I hope you are doing well:) for me - done is better than perfect :)
Hi @abemedia ! I hope you are doing well! can you share link to the job? I check actions in this repo - repear works fine - for example -...
Hi, @Haseeb717 I've found this Try set password in connection options ``` options = { :scheme => "http", :host => "localhost", :port => 8123, :password => "pass" } ```