It looks like it is working a bit better in that new version. It does still get the errors - but it doesnt grind to a halt for everyone now......
PM2? CLI? Er... I am just installing it on a ubuntu aws server via npm install -g coin-hive-stratum@latest Then I run: coin-hive-stratum 8892 --host=etnpool.minekitten.io --port=3333 That seems to work and...
That error might be different than mine - mine is complaining about invalid job id. Is invalid job id perhaps a symptom of the hash being solved by someone else?...
Just an FYI - I have found that on some pools, the etn address has to be fed in via the --address= argument on the client. the --user does not...
I dont think that is the correct connection string - try it with just the hostname and port eg: minus the tcp+stratum:// on trying it myself - I can confirm...
Thanks for the input The project I am working on is just a personal side project - I am working on making an online MUD game with html/signalR in .Net...
Im on 31b - and it doesn't seem to be forming - is there a newer version to download from somewhere?
Yup - did find the right website in the end - curseforge and all the other websites keep pointing at 31B - but I eventually found the php website with...
In regards to the question of when to do the filtering - Scallion - a .net GPU generator for onion addresses I think just generates a work load, processes the...
Getting same issue I can get rid of the error by removing references to model half - but this results in me only being able to go as high as...