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Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
When creating a physics model grid, first thing to do is to decide the step size of your parameters in the beast_settings.txt. Depending on your data (e.g., depth and number...
There are types of stars that vary intrinsically. AGB stars, Cepheids, etc. Often different bands are taken at different times folding causing the an "uncertainty" in the fit not captured...
Would be great to have the option to bin source densities on a log scale (in addition to linear, which is the current option). Need to test which is better!
The commandline syntax is different between 'beast simulate_obs' and 'python -m'. These should be synchronized by updating the argparse info in
Add docs and howto for: 1. Simulating dust extinguished resolved stellar populations 1. Many band AST input lists 1. Generating ASTs for MATCH (via simulating using BEAST optimized ASTs) 1....
It looks like the beast settings documentation ( needs an update to include all required parameters and to remove out-of-date parameters. It is also clear that this file needs to...
It seems like the file name for a noise model grid is fixed as 'projectname_noisemodel.grid.hd5' even if a different file name is given in the beast_settings.txt file.
I wrote a new routine to plot some sanity-check level diagnostics for the input ASTs, ideally to be used (along with plot_ast_histogram) to make sure that the input ASTs look...
The dust prior weights are implemented as a class. The stellar dust/grid weights are implemented as functions. Would be good if they were done uniformly one way or the other....
I've been working on enhancing/fixing the BEAST simulations. As part of this, I've dived into the toothpick noisemodel to fix issues with the completeness calculation. Nothing that would impact the...