Csaba Balázs

Results 15 comments of Csaba Balázs

#define EDQUOT. 122 It may be quota error when disk operation (mv). Or simple disk full?

memfs would be the solution, but get error: fs is not assignable to type 'CallbackFsClient | PromiseFsClient'. (typescript) the reason is: I would like to fetch a github repo to...

I have successfully used memfs to store repo. Clone, fetch, pull and access of files works. import { fs } from 'memfs'; and dir ='/'

Is this an abbandoned repo? Should remove from https://www.fastify.io/ecosystem/ ...

I have changed to similar repo: @mgcrea/fastify-session ```npm i @mgcrea/fastify-session``` ``` const fastifysession = require('@mgcrea/fastify-session') const MemoryStore = require('@mgcrea/fastify-session/lib/store/MemoryStore').MEMORY_STORE fastify.register(require('fastify-cookie')) fastify.register(fastifysession, { secret: SESSION_SECRET, cookie: { maxAge: SESSION_TTL }, store:...

It would be a great option for testing (test upload etc) with strange sideeffects too. When production upload, I can press the boot0 button.

Simple developer do not want to know this is a router option. They want to configure the whole fastify instance. The separated routingOptions can play if want to configure it...

It happens when required subdomain is 3 character long or shorter.

> Are you suggesting that it _also_ happens on short domain names? FWIW. the actual domains I was using were quite a bit longer. The exact same thing with out...