
Results 13 comments of BCJuan

Same as @monajalal: The possibility to use the code with easiness for another dataset would be a really nice feature.

Hi, I would like to make a question for you, @ogail , since I had the same problems: I see that you have done the following: - commenting net.load line...

Hi, In response to @qmy612 (also @ogail ): you can indeed use the pretrained model. I achieved it yesterday doing the following: - As in #20 do: Updating icnet_cityscapes_bnnomerge.prototxt by...

Yes, it boosted the results. Indeed I was not obtaining any good results without the pretrained model. I used the icnet_cityscapes_trainval_bnomerge_90k, but I think that any other model can be...

@ogail I do not know since I am just finetunning. But with a one hour run, using the pretrained model I achieve like 20% mIoU while without it 6%. Maybe...

Hi, If anyone is interested I managed to include validation a few weeks ago. I made it in a dirty way, creating another Net Object for validation and copying weights...

@PratibhaT Yes, I have tried. Attached I leave an image where mIoU is shown as well as the training and validation loss (green for validation and blue for training) ![loss_pic](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31255521/41588122-352de72e-73b1-11e8-8254-786885645179.jpg)

You should have a .txt, with two columns in the first images for input, and in the second and separated by a space, the labels in .png format. If what...

Hi @alexw92 Where you have the ```sess.run(reduced_loss,...)``` add something like ``` if args.validation: sess.run(redcued_loss_val) ``` This is to add validation loss and to be able to record it. For miou...

Nice point @alexw92 No, I do not iterate through the whole validation dataset, just a batch of it. I do not really know how to pass the entire data set....