Stefan Bieliauskas
Stefan Bieliauskas
Thanks for all the work on this project! I tried to integrate RedisGraph into an existing project([prov-db-connector]( and got an unexpected error: The following command with params will cause an...
Im sorry but I don't an webpack expert so I decided to add a "prepublish" script to package.json to generate a compiled version.
The support for split the vendor file in separate files is more complex then the application. I think the only way to do this is to modify the loader so...
Currently we using the Ember.$.ajax in [sync mode]( and this cause the warning "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's...
Currently, we insert the a `` tag in the index.js file to pass the asset-map to the application. This is necessary to support the fingerprint addon but if anybody know...
If I try to run `ember test` it fail because in this test context the configuration can not be loaded from the addon files. We use the [ember-get-config]( package and...
Add the minimatch for the route configuration in the bundle.js config file
I developed a simple script to test multithreading with the prov-db-connector, see [here]( During my local test run the threaded version is slightly slower than normal synchronic saving mechanism. But...
Currently the `ProvDb` class expose methods like `get_element(identifier)` this method returns 3 possible types: * ProvAgent * ProvEntity * ProvActivity In order to provide a consistent we should discuss the...
Only validated documents should be saved into the database. We need a mechanism to validate [ProvDocument]( classes (or directly JSON / PROV-N / XML streams?)