Bryan L
Bryan L
For the users added as friends, see their current challenge tag and/or be able to have an option to see all friends actively doing a specific challenge? Not sure if...
Currently there is dark text on a dark background due to gradient. Either change text color or brighten gradient on surface. change positioning for account name
Separate the password visibility toggles for "Password" and "Confirmed Password" text
Add an option to open drawer screens by an onClick instead of only having the current swipe gesture
Add search option to filter notes that either contain certain text or challenge tags
Swipe left & right to navigate to either the previous note or the next note for easier detail navigation instead of having to navigate back to the list screen
Create default tags for common challenges & custom input for user to enter their own challenge tags. Include text & color
Add a screen to create a new challenge & a way to navigate to/from it
If there is a challenge associated to a **note**, add it Add list of challenges to **user** 1. _ongoing_ 2. _completed_ 3. _failed_