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GitHub Action creating Kubernetes manifest files with Helm, Kustomize, or Kompose

Kubernetes bake action

Use this action to bake manifest files to be used for deployments using helm, kustomize or kompose.

Sets output variable 'manifestsBundle' which contains the location of the manifest bundles created by bake action.


Bake using helm

- uses: azure/k8s-bake@v3
      renderEngine: 'helm'
      helmChart: './aks-helloworld/'
      arguments: |
      overrideFiles: './aks-helloworld/values-override.yaml'
      overrides: |
      helm-version: 'latest'
      silent: 'false'

Bake using Kompose

- uses: azure/k8s-bake@v3
     renderEngine: 'kompose'
     dockerComposeFile: './docker-compose.yml'
     kompose-version: 'latest'

Bake using Kubernetes Kustomize

- uses: azure/k8s-bake@v3
     renderEngine: 'kustomize'
     kustomizationPath: './kustomizeexample/'
     arguments: |
     kubectl-version: 'latest'

Refer to the action metadata file for details about all the inputs.

End to end workflow for building container images and deploying to a Kubernetes cluster

on: [push]

      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
         - uses: actions/checkout@master

         - uses: Azure/docker-login@v1
              login-server: contoso.azurecr.io
              username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
              password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

         - run: |
              docker build . -t contoso.azurecr.io/k8sdemo:${{ github.sha }}
              docker push contoso.azurecr.io/k8sdemo:${{ github.sha }}

         - uses: Azure/k8s-set-context@v3
              kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG }}

         - uses: Azure/k8s-create-secret@v4
              container-registry-url: contoso.azurecr.io
              container-registry-username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
              container-registry-password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
              secret-name: demo-k8s-secret

         - uses: azure/k8s-bake@v3
              renderEngine: 'helm'
              helmChart: './aks-helloworld/'
              overrideFiles: './aks-helloworld/values-override.yaml'
              overrides: |
              helm-version: 'latest'
           id: bake

         - uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@v4
              manifests: ${{ steps.bake.outputs.manifestsBundle }}
              images: |
                 demo.azurecr.io/k8sdemo:${{ github.sha }}
              imagepullsecrets: |


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k8s-bake is an open source project that is not covered by the Microsoft Azure support policy. Please search open issues here, and if your issue isn't already represented please open a new one. The project maintainers will respond to the best of their abilities.