
Results 63 comments of azul

Hi! I think [this answer]( could be useful.

Hi, the argument `y_test_df` is ` a pandas df panel with columns unique_id, ds, y, y_hat_naive2`. So your `y_test_df` must include the naive 2 predictions to calculate the owa.

Hi @shagn! Thanks for letting us know about the issue. Currently, the `ETS` model doesn't include prediction intervals (`level` argument); in the next weeks, we'll release a new version including...

Hey @dluuo! Thanks for reporting this. We have recently added `flake8` to the set of development dependencies: Does `pip install ".[dev]"` work?

Hey @Garrus990! Thanks for letting us know about the issue. I have tested the most recent version of StatsForecast, and the forecasts seem stable. The following code replicates the pipeline:...

Hey @Garrus990, I'm closing this issue, feel free to reopen it if the problem persists :)

Hey @juan-g-p! The following code works, ```R library(fpp3) gas % filter(year(Week)

A tidier approach, ```R library(fpp3) gas % filter(year(Week)

@fkiraly: Thanks for the answer. We will start working on the implementation. Congrats on this new direction. We are honored to be able to provide more options for the community....

@aiwalter: You are right. This benchmark dataset proves that the current `StatsModels`' ETS implementation is not robust, challenging its purpose as a baseline model. R's and `StatsForecast` 's implementation can...