In file https://github.com/micha137/dspack-continued-mirror-for-delphinus/blob/master/Demos/D6-D7/Filters/Async/UAsyncRdr.pas, function TBCAsyncOutputPin.GetMediaType results in an AV in Graphstudionext. REproduction: build an register filter, load filter in Graphstudionext, right-click the output pin an select Properties. Application crashes as...
Hello, Using Mini Media Player to control Bluesound Powernode has issue when volume_stateless=true: when set to 0, you cannot set to 1 anymore. Slider (volume_stateless=false) works OK, easy to slide...
**Describe the bug** Production switch seems to work fine in integration. However, after switching production on again (more than 1 hour after switching off, during daylight), production does not resume,...
### Checklist - [X] I have filled out the template to the best of my ability. - [X] This only contains 1 feature request (if you have multiple feature requests,...
I have issues with reliability, both with my home-made version and the prebuilt version I bought. My cards are sometimes detected, but more orten than not, card reading results in...
After installing the 'new_api' branch (which I could not have done without [this post](https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi/issues/46#issuecomment-2210352012) and [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/lcur6n/how_to_execute_pip_command_in_home_assistant_vm/), as for some reason, library pyporscheconnectapi was not correct version), I installed the...