Is the audio file being cut properly, as in is the output what is expected as far as the conversion process is concerned? Would you also let me know the...
I'll try to have a look into this tonight for you see if I can reproduce your issue.
I found this, [how-can-i-check-the-integrity-of-a-video-file-avi-mpeg-mp4](https://superuser.com/questions/100288/how-can-i-check-the-integrity-of-a-video-file-avi-mpeg-mp4), however there's no "easy" way of doing that at the moment with this library. If I'm completely honest, the entire library needed an overhaul a long...
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/515 In short.... ----- > Changed 3 years ago by logan > Resolution set to **wontfix** > Status changed from open to **closed** > By default all stream metadata, **including...
Alternatively, you can manually update the package used by MediaToolkit, in later version apparently it autorotates for you.
Do you know whether error code 1 is specific to missing files? I can't actually remember why I did that (in fact the only reason I know I wrote it...
Are you sure it was doing nothing after you called `CustomCommand`? The issue that you encountered was because you called `Engine.Convert`, `CustomCommand` doesn't raise any progress or completion events, so...
There's definitely a bug there, not being able to use the same instance of `Engine` after the first conversion... I'm refactoring a lot of the things in there at the...
The issue is that FFmpeg writes to STDERR, so we can only read the output from ErrorDataReceived. This is how we raise progress events and completion events by reading the...
Ah my bad, I misunderstood you. I like that idea! If I'm honest... I want to bulldoze the entire thing and rebuild from scratch, sometimes I wonder if I was...