Results 4 issues of Axelouuu

Hey ! I use Hats Mod (10.3.2) on 1.16.5 Forge (36.2.4) server and I see a stange thing. I have some villagers and cats in a village. I changed their...

Hey ! I've made a french translation for Inspiration c: **fr_fr.json** ```json { "_comment": "###########", "_comment": "Shared #", "_comment": "###########", "entity.inspirations.charged_arrow": "Flèche chargée", "_comment": "###########", "_comment": "Building #", "_comment": "###########",...


Hey ! I've made a french translation for Glasscutter :3 **fr_fr.json** ```json { "block.glasscutter.glasscutter": "Tailleur de verre", "container.glasscutter.glasscutter": "Tailleur de verre", "block.glasscutter.glass_stairs": "Escalier de verre", "block.glasscutter.glass_slab": "Dalle de verre", "block.glasscutter.black_stained_glass_stairs":...

### Bug description and reproduction steps Hi ! I just past my modpack to the 1.19.2 and i discovered the curios slot for backpack is missing :o I have the...
