Axel Terizaki

Results 22 comments of Axel Terizaki

My 2 cents. It's actually extremely difficult to compare audio from a mic and a full song, because unless you have an instrumental/off-vocal version of the song available along the...

I just got a similar issue. I forced lftp to use utf-8 for both `file` and `ftp` and it fixed things for me.

`set ftp:charset "UTF-8" ; set file:charset utf-8` in your lftp commands

I haven't tested it out yet, but I might have a solution to your issue. If you managed to find a solution on your end I'd love to hear it....

@idanwork thanks for your comment, it actually made me try something since you mentionned Electron 20. I downgraded Electron to version 19.0.11 and the app seems to work! So I...

Just a heads-up to confirm that the comment above is indeed right. I dropped the entitlments.plist file from my package.json and successfully ran the ARM64 version of my app with...

I confirm the comment above solved the issue for me : the ARM64 version I built did work again. This wasn't easy to diagnose, maybe putting it in electron-builder's documentation...

Hello, KM's dev here. Thanks for the feedback. The main app isn't the problem, but rather the packaged postgresql server and mpv we built on a Ubuntu 20 machine instead....

Weird, I thought I had seen it before but couldn't find it ever again, hence why I posed the issue. I think all logs/errors/debug should go to an event instead...

Well, the app that calls node-mpv can catch them and treat them. Like, if I know it's a 8 errorcode, I can guess mpv has crashed or has been killed,...