Me too
You don't actually need the ng2-select.css because its based on bootstrap dropdowns.scss/less, Just import bootstrap into your scss and you're fine: @import "~bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
Exactly I want to build a debug able dist version which will always be deployed next to the minified version Commenting the tasks in the build tasks alone did not...
Actually I managed to skip the uglification task and copy the concatenated files to the dist folder to be revved by using grunt copy I think uglification does the copy...
Hi, it still doesn't solve different steps which I need to configure for 2 different targets: ``` javascript useminPrepare: { 'dist': { src:['/{index,login,signup,change-password}.html'], options: { dest: '', flow: { html:...
No, but I found a workaround , because useminPrepare does the copy of the concatenated files internally I explicitly created a task (called copy:dist-debug) to be executed before the usemin...
My useminPrepare is very simple , did not make any significant changes to it ``` javascript useminPrepare: { html: '/**/*.html', options: { dest: '' } } ```
My mistake forget it. I was stopping the server in the afterEach block and it was removing it from the urlMap.
Never mind I managed to do it by using: ``` javascript ``` and changing the attribute blockUiMessageClass dynamically in the $rootScope where needed I have to say I had to...