Please go to this file -> /.roller/da-light-node/config.toml Start from Ligne 14 ``` [P2P] ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/udp/2121/quic-v1", "/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/2121"] AnnounceAddresses = [] NoAnnounceAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/ip6/::/udp/2121/quic-v1", "/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/2121"]...
Maybe it will be more clear with these screenshot When you already make running Celestia Bridge and want to install Dymension Rollup https://snipboard.io/29kzjH.jpg See the port 2121 non available to...
Are you still here ? ???????????????
thank you to teach me this, I was not asking this... anyway that's ok, keep close this ticket, that's more simple...
Same time I would like suggest to add the statement Online - Offline directly on the rollapp page https://portal.dymension.xyz/rollapp/aviaonerollapp_2683399-1 and not only in the search field.
> Hey, just checked the portal and looks like it has been fixed. Can I close this? @AviaOne Great news, thank you Yes please close this topic
the label had been changed to "Operating Status" on Block Explorer side. I saw it ;-) because I am using your explorer to monitor this keyword, you have done this...