It doesn't check subpackages
> Blazer should append the hash at the end by default. This is not recommended by blazer Why isn't it recommended? > B2 doesn't support chunked transfers What advantages would...
@Stratus3D As far as I can tell what is happening is that asdf prepends to `$PATH` for asdf-elixir managed installations, but not for system installations (a.k.a., whatever it finds in...
@Stratus3D > asdf put its' shims on your $PATH Not all the time. While asdf's rc scripts amends `$PATH` so it points to the shims first, the shims, when called,...
I think you may be able to make asdf think you have a system install available by adding an elixir install to '$PATH' before sourcing asdf
@CameronNemo As far as I can tell with #10395, whenever a package with `binfmt_files` would've been updated, the corresponding formats would've been overwritten and reactivated irregardless of a user's changes...
What about letting the user override the, currently non-existent, probing result?
1. `Erlang error: :invalid_struct` should detail which rust struct it's having difficulty compiling. a. And include why if there are multiple possible reasons. 2. `Erlang error: "Could not decode field...
Sorry about that
> can you please provide more details about why you'd want this added? Short answer, because when I copy something sensitive into my clipboard I don't want to rely on...