Came across the same problem with SH1106 LCD. Have built and run code by @pmarkiewicz. Works nice on 1.3 OLED from here: https://aliexpress.ru/item/4001145494936.html The board is NAZE32 REV6 `set oled_type=0...
I would extend feature request by proposal to show settings that are only related to selected UAV type. That would simplify tuning process a lot, especially for newcomers.
Hello, I've run into the same problem with g-code generated by FlatCAM. After removing G01 error is still there. Can anyone help, please? [main.GBL_iso_combined_cnc.txt](https://github.com/winder/Universal-G-Code-Sender/files/10147169/main.GBL_iso_combined_cnc.txt)