Austin Bischoff

Results 35 comments of Austin Bischoff

Please remove any comments that are not needed (i.e. preventing test code from operating). Also, as a bigger discussion, this library was built to only use the bare minimum of...

Since you are able to get to the server's information via a simple HTTP request (click on this link []( there should be no issue adding this protocol. See

Sorry for the delayed response. We usually run batches of 400 pricing targets as part of a larger insert of orders into a GAM account. This is $0.10 to $40.00...

So I think this is more of an issue with changes to GAM's API side and them wanting you to batch insert as much as possible. The code currently does...

Well without any information from the game developer it is either this method or no method. It doesn't matter to me but this PR should either be merged or closed...

> Please Check its not working! `{"":{"gq_address":"","gq_dedicated":null,"gq_hostname":null,"gq_joinlink":"","gq_mapname":null,"gq_maxplayers":null,"gq_name":"Stationeers","gq_numplayers":null,"gq_online":false,"gq_password":null,"gq_port_client":27016,"gq_port_query":8081,"gq_protocol":"stationeers","gq_transport":"tcp","gq_type":"stationeers","players":[],"teams":[]}}` That server is not listed in the hosting list at I am not sure how you add it to that list but...

Using the following code it still does not show the server information for your server. ``` $gq = \GameQ\GameQ::factory(); $gq->addServer([ 'type' => 'source', 'host' => '', ]); $results = $gq->process();...

Any chance someone has already worked on this? Helping a client manage their wordpress installations more automatically and they want to reinstall wordpress installs that fail verification. Since the readme.html...

@kwbtdisk Please feel free if you have the time. I have not had any block of time to sit down and hammer it out. The issue is not a big...

Since #656 has been merged I am going to close this issue.