
Results 4 issues of Augus710

你好,请问是否缺少数据文件。 data/ieee_zhihu_cup/data.h5 data/ieee_zhihu_cup/vocab_label.pik question_train_set3.txt question_topic_train_set3.txt question_eval_set3.txt

Hello. I am running the spdz/Basic SPDZ.ipynb code. When I modified the test data, I was getting this error. The following code is the test case that you gave. I...

('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, '远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。', None, 10054, None)) 请问大神,频繁出现这个问题怎么解决? 初始化创建 pcs = PCS(baidu_user, baidu_pwd) 后续频繁上传,3s左右一次 ret = pcs.upload(pan_path, file, file_name)

你好。很感谢您提供的代码教程。目前发现transformer训练准确度低。只有不到60%,大大低于TextCNN的85%,请问您当时测试也是如此吗?若是提高,可以给点建议吗?谢谢 text_classifier/models/