Giorgio (gito)
Giorgio (gito)
Hi I was wondering, how do I actually get a list of item recommendations once the model is trained? I only see the method predict that gives a list of...
on line 48 you have: `world.draw(pixels.get_frame_mut());` but this method is not defined on the struct Pixels (I only see get_frame on the documentation) I see the changes on all examples...
When I try to donate with Paypal I get stuck on a blank loading page that goes nowhere.  Other people trying to donate on my game reported...
Added the `@everyone` mention functionality on the composer. To do so I added a new list in the suggestion service called "special suggestions" that holds suggestions from a specific type...
replaced the channel selector search on the discuss sidebar categories with a unified search extending the existing quick search feature. replaced ChannelSelector component with the new DiscussSearch. enterprise PR:
preparation for PR: