hello, for the EByte-E180 you could put pin relationship with j-link, I need a little help to connect it to the swd interface
oh yes, thanks it was wrong printed, now I can read the chip information with Simplicity Commander but it gives error when writing firmware bootloader "02:56:17.036 WARNING: Could not retrieve...
> Some strange charters (2 to 3) is being sent then the firmware is booting so also after resetting with the reset pin. > If not trying booting to the...
One more question, (thanks for your patience) I delete the memory and load bootloader and enter the menu, then I upload firmware with xmodem protocol and the strange symbols appear...
> which bootloader was flashed and which firmware did you upload? > On my ebyte I can enter the bootloader by keeping baud-rate-reset button depressed and momentarily pressing the reset...