Athish Pranav D
Athish Pranav D
@ashie can i work on this bug?
Oh i see, only backport is pending Its fine, i will look at other issues and pick up something which interests me.
@daipom is this still active or the ENV variable method is your proposed fix?
Oh i see. It makes sense that the parsing logs are also crucial and they seem to create a problem here. I am currently not sure of any sol but...
@aslafy-z i guess what @avivgold098 mentioned is correct. Could you close this issue ?
@ashie can i pick this up if its of actual use in the tail monitor?
Oh I see Fine Can I work on this one?
@ashie for this one which metrics would be useful for us? the number of lines read from each file ?
@ashie number of times throttling occured means that how many times we are returning a false whenever the check is failed right? Because when i was taking a look at...
@ashie can we close this issue?