Results 254 comments of Athanasius

Whilst we're at it, do a general pass on anything that could possibly be opening a file from a user-defined location.

What your bug report doesn't do is provide any of the information asked for in the [Bug Report Template]( This is working fine for me (literally just tested it) on...

> The only fix is to make a shortcut to the exe on my desktop. Removing that shortcut reverts back to the start menu shortcut showing what I mentioned before....

1. This is obviously a game bug. 2. That line 196 of EDMC code *is* catching the exception. It's the logging of it in the 'except'. 3. Yes, this will...

Do you have specific situations that trigger this bug? i.e. certain bodies/locations, or does it feel more like some sort of race condition that's difficult to trigger on demand ?

> Do you have specific situations that trigger this bug? i.e. certain bodies/locations, or does it feel more like some sort of race condition that's difficult to trigger on demand...

We're definitely not. I just swapped from my "Robigo passenger missions" setup to my "normal runabout, no passengers" setup and clicking EDMC ship name link, set to coriolis, loaded the...

I'm just running into this same question. In our case we have `config/`, `config/` and `config/`, each of which implements the interface of an ABC for a specific platform. I...

(Yes, I know this is now almost 3 years old). I suspect the answer is no because EDDN isn't meant to relay any personal information, and actual buying and selling...

You'd be able to correlate other events by the same uploaderID (it's obscured, and the key used to do this rotates, but that doesn't stop you doing so for a...