Hi, Issue #72 : - Change the line 134 with the proposed fix Issue #73 : - Add the switch hook lines in the configuration file generation - Add the...
Hi ! The contexte is the same as issue #72, I still have the same laptop ;) **Context** I have a laptop with an Intel GPU and a Nvidia Quadro....
Hi ! **Some context :** I have a laptop with an Intel GPU and a Nvidia Quadro. It works fine, if I want to run programs on my nvidia card...
Hi, It seems the way ModernDeck support multi-accounts works only by linking them together to a "main" account. Would it be possible instead to have the possibility to add accounts...
Hi, As Bluesky seems to provide a free API and works like Twitter before Elon Musk, do you plan to add it in Sengi ? It could be nice to...
Hi ! Last year I had some problem and my PTS asked me to initialize it. I tried with rockpool (a version with rebble) without luck. I have just made...
Hi, Since there is also Qt on Maemo 5, can you make a build for it ? Regards, Astaoth